Sunday, October 02, 2005

In this weeks personality psychology course we had an exam on the first five chapters of the text book. I think that the test review was helpful because the exam covered a lot of information. On Tuesday's class we were asked to talk about some of the important things that we would want to do if our life spans were unfortunately shortened somehow. And for me If I had a shortened lifespan then expected somehow, I would try to spend most of my time with friends and family, so I would again be able to enjoy many of the memories that I have already had with them. Chapter six in the book looks very interesting it covers information about Erik Erickson and Anna Freud. I think that Anna Freud's research should be interesting to study seeing how important Sigmund Freud's work was in the field of psychology. Anna Freud worked closely with Sigmund Freud as a colleague, until she passed away and then she went on to become a psychoanalyst herself. She helped to further develop psychoanalysis by studying children and Freud's concept of the ego. Her studying of psychoanalysis and children helped to create better research in the field of pediatrics, child care, family law, and education. She observed all types of young children, some who were normal, others who had troubles and many more children who had terrible life circumstances, such as parentless homes, war and physical handicaps. I am sure her view on psychoanalysis is very interesting seeing the fact that she is related to and has worked with the father of psychiatry.


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