Saturday, March 25, 2006

This week in abnormal psychology I started to look through chapter 13, which is all about developmental and cognitive disorders. One part of the chapter I found interesting was the section about pervasive disorders. People with pervasive developmental disorders deal with problems that affect language, socialization and cognition. The word pervasive means generally a serious long term problem that affects a person throughout their life and even before they are 18. Aspergers, autism, and retts are examples of pervasive disorders. To help people with a pervasive disorder there are psychosocial treatments, such as skill building and behavioral treatment of behavior problems. There are different pharmacological treatments that have been found to be effective in the treatment of different pervasive disorders. There has been a lot of research done just on treating various behaviors and the symptoms of these types of disorders through pharmacology. It was interesting reading about these different disorders because there is so much to know about understanding and identifying them. Also this week in class we did a fun activity and talked about whether or not we were people who tend to daydream and have fantasies a lot. And I said that I was kind of in between because sometimes my imagination can take over if I am watching a fictitious Hollywood movie but I think I can also be really focused if I am reading an interesting book. So I would say that I fall some where in between.


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