Saturday, November 05, 2005

On last Thursday's personality theories class we did a couple of exercises. One exercise I found interesting was when the teacher told the students to pair up in the class and listen to one another talk about how their day was going. To me it seemed like this exercise was an example of how Carl Rogers would conduct his own therapy, because Rogers is famous for person centered therapy. Rogers was influenced by phenomenology and he believed that people exist in the center of a phenomenal field. In the field of psychology the word phenomeon means the study of human awareness and perception. A psychologist who is a phenomenologist believes that it is important to understand how a person interprets a object or event. In psychology the term phenomenal field means the complete sum of experiences. Rogers believed that an individual person is the only one who can completely understand his or her own field of experiences. Rogers also believed that when one is trying to understand another person it is not always easy to undertand the internal feelings of that person; because when people are communicating emotions they are limited to a persons concious perception and communication of experiences. But in any case Rogers believed that an empathic understanding of ones experiences is important in understanding them and their personality processes. I found the in class exercise to be helpful, and I think that Rogerian therapy is key because Rogers understands how to communicate effectively and how to react to and interpret a client's situation in therapy.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Carl Rogers and his work helped to shape the psychology field in tremendous ways. His is one of my favorites.

Continued success to you in school. So great that you have time to blog too.


4:29 PM  

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