Sunday, November 20, 2005

In this week's class we had are third exam, which I think went pretty well because the test review was very helpful. The exam covered information mostly about Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, George Kelly and Arnold Lazarus, who are theorist's who have specialized in humanistic, existential and cognitive theories. George Kelly was an interesting theorist to study because I had never heard of him before I took personality theories and once I started studying him I found that his theory makes a lot of sense and could be very important in the field of psychology. Kelly's theory is known as constructive alternativism, which in other words means that any particular event can be interpreted in many different ways and Kelly believed that the world does not automatically make sense to people. Kelly believed that people have to develop their own ways of understanding events that happen to them. Kelly said that " In effect, there is no reality outstide our interpretations of it". Kelly believed that no one construct or pattern is definite and is the best reflection of the world because there is always an alternative construct that might better acknowledge the facts that people perceive in life. I think this was an interesting theory because it seems simple and because I think that it can explain why people can sometimes interpret the same situations differently. I think the reading and class has been interesting and I am looking forward to finally finish reading the rest of the personality theories textbook.


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