Friday, September 22, 2006

This semester at Keene State College I am only taking one psychology course, which is the psychology of statistics. I think if I am to ever apply statistics in the field of psychology I probably will be dealing with psychometrics, learning theory, perception, abnormal psychology and human development. Psychometrics is the field of psychology that applies measurement to knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits. Psychometrics focuses mostly on the difference between people or research participants. Learning theory tries to understand more about how people learn usually through behaviorism, constructivism and cognitivism. Perception in psychology is the process of using, interpreting, organizing and selecting sensory information. Human development in psychology deals with the progressive psychological changes that happen among people through out time. And finally abnormal psychology would be the scientific study of behavior in order to understand, predict, and alter abnormal differences or patterns in ones psychological functioning. These fields could require a lot of research that is evaluated mathematically so I can see how statistics could be a key element in understanding the many aspects and theories of psychology better.


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